Casa de Tapas review

Casa de Tapas review

Had a great Tapas meal last night in Sandgate, lots of exciting dishes for the omnivores and plent of vege options for me. The spicy potatoes were particularly good. Washed down with several bottles of Cava, it made for a great evening. This was our first visit since it had reopened, but we will be returning soon.

⬅️ :: The Bufftings take London ➡️
Sun Jul 31 2005

A guide to eating and drinking in Folkestone, Sandgate, Hythe, and the surrounding area... TOP ranking result for Folkestone Restaurants, if you're not mentioned here who knows you're there..? All independent, unpaid, and not intended to be spiteful...

See a full list of Folkestone restaurants and bars, browse our reviews, find a restaurant on our map, does that still work? You can't leave yr own reviews here any more, sorry. This is my website The FG that I built in a fury of excitement when we first moved here sometime in '04. Now I've moved out of Folkestone again (though just to Hythe) it doesn't get as much love as it used to.